Friday, February 15, 2008

So I started a blog.........

I decided to start a blog, as my profile states, I made a decision to document the grind of a starving artist, like many I got caught up in the game. I battled addiction while living a lavish life style all the way to living on the streets. I had a very successful career in NYC as an assistant editor, freelance photographer, and street entrepenuer. For those who knew me could probabley tell you a few stories. I will embellish a little of my past as I continue to blog but would rather cocentrate on the present. I live for the day, for we may never know what tommorrow may bring. I stay greatful for all the people who have helped and hurt me for you have made me the person I am today. Thanx to you too for checkin in, they say its better to check in then it is to check out. May God bless the way that photo was taken by partner Brad Hardy.

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